The Idea
“When my daughter started to bike to school and leisure sports activities I often saw that she did not have her bike lights turned on. Often she also forgot to turn them off – which meant that I have to changes batteries all to often.”
“One day she called because she could not find her bike. After a long search at her school – she suddenly remembered that the bike was parked behind the school. I thought to myself, that there had to be an easier way to find lost and misplaced bikes”
“I saw an opportunity to develop a truly innovative bike light that could keep my daughter safe in traffic.”
“I decided to bring the bike light into the 21st century”

You lose it – We find it
You lose it – We find it
The mission for the Findrs team is to make it possible for you to locate all your lost belongings. Through intelligent products we want to create a community of people helping each other lost belongings.
We would like to give everyone the opportunity to be part of the community and change the way we take care of our belongings. We genuinely believe that most people have a willingness to help others
Our first solution for this is the DeLight – an intelligent bike light.